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The Importance of Outpatient Services After a DWI

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After a DWI, it can feel like your entire world is crashing down and you may be unsure how to pull yourself out of it. While a DWI has severe consequences, it is important to know that it is possible to get your life back on the right track. With the help of an outpatient services program, there is still hope for a bright future.

If you or someone you know has been arrested for a DWI, oftentimes this can be a red flag that they may have an underlying problem with addiction or have a substance use disorder. For most, allowing your drinking or drug use to result in jail time, an arrest, a criminal record, or even worse, should be a much needed wake up call. Unfortunately, due to the severity of the situation and the feelings of anxiety and depression that are felt after getting a DWI, some individuals tend to increase their substance use because they see no positive end in sight.

Seeking the help of an addiction specialist is one of the most important things you can do during this time. Not only will they be able to give you the tools you need to support starting the process of recovery, but they will provide you with the compassion and support that you need during this time.

In this blog post we will go over what exactly constitutes a DWI, as well as what you can expect from addiction specialists when you seek out the assistance of outpatient services.

What is a DWI?

A DWI stands for driving while intoxicated and it is a serious offense that can have extremely grave consequences. In the eyes of the law, it is seen as a gross negligence of one’s responsibility as a driver on the road. 

A DWI occurs when a driver has a blood alcohol content level of .08% or higher. This serious offense puts both the offender and other drivers at risk, as the individual may lack the proper judgment to safely operate a motor vehicle. This can be further complicated if the driver has  consumed prescription drugs or illicit substances prior to getting behind the wheel, further impairing their ability to make sound decisions on the road. It is important to note that even if drugs like marijuana are legal in your state, being impaired by those substances while driving can still result in a DWI charge.

The legal consequences for DWI convictions vary widely across states but are typically severe, including jail time and hefty court fines. Consequently, it is important that individuals understand the dangers of operating a motor vehicle while impaired and avoid doing so at all times. Abiding by traffic laws and foregoing intoxication when behind the wheel is crucial for protecting yourself legally as well as ensuring a safe journey for you and other drivers.

How Outpatient Services Can Help

Outpatient services programs employ experienced certified and licensed addiction specialists, including psychotherapists and counselors, as well as caring and compassionate team members. These treatment programs emphasize the importance of thoughtful and attentive case management and can help you when you need it most.

Addiction specialists help patients navigate the healthcare system and ensure that they receive the complete range of treatment options that are necessary to support their recovery. Addiction specialists are also there to make sure that while in treatment, their patients’ health is being tended to holistically and that they have the tools they need to sustain a healthy lifestyle.

What Do Addiction Specialists Treat?

Working with an addiction specialist is the key to ensuring that all aspects of a patient’s addiction and mental health are addressed. These specialists understand the complexities of treating both substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health conditions. They know exactly how to approach these conditions in a trauma-informed manner with a holistic approach.

Addiction specialists know that effective treatment must focus on the underlying root issues in order to make meaningful progress. The true power of an addiction specialist lies in their ability to evaluate the unique issues each patient faces and tailor treatments to meet those needs.

This involves everything from providing individualized therapy, to utilizing evidence-based models, such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. With a combination of expertise and deep understanding of the psychology behind addiction, addiction specialists have the knowledge and insight necessary to develop a comprehensive plan for long term success.

Addiction specialists help treat the following:

  • Addiction and Co-Occurring Conditions
  • Dual-Diagnosis
  • Complex Cases
  • Family Systems
  • Underlying Trauma

The Addiction Specialists at Encore Outpatient Services Are Here to Help You On Your Path to Recovery

There is no underestimating the severity of a DWI charge and the effects that it has on those involved. While you must face the consequences of your actions, it’s important to know that there is help and hope available when you are ready to seek it.

At Encore Outpatient Services, we know how pervasive addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders are and how they can affect every aspect of your life. This could include your physical and mental health, family and community relationships, education and career, and financial and legal security.

The addiction specialists at Encore Outpatient Services are ready and willing to provide you with the care and support you need. Give us a call today to get started, or check out our website to learn more.

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