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Getting Started – Outpatient Treatment for Addiction 

Outpatient treatment for substance abuse and addiction is a vitally important and positive decision that can save your life or the life of a loved one. Whether you contact Encore or another provider, please do not hesitate to seek care from a licensed professional care provider as soon as possible. Addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders are progressive, life-threatening conditions. Help is available and treatment can be highly effective in restoring physical health and quality of life.

Call us at 703-436-8158 if you or a family member needs help with mental health and substance use disorders. While a treatment determination can rarely be made with one telephone conversation, it can help to determine if Encore may be able to help, or if a different type of care or provider organization could be a better resource.

If outpatient treatment for substance abuse is a suitable treatment resource, we will help clients understand the financial aspects of treatment and determine available insurance coverage or private pay responsibilities.

Thorough medical and mental health assessment is typically the first step in outpatient treatment for substance abuse disorders. Understanding one’s medical history, addiction history, family history, underlying mental health conditions, and other factors indicate each person’s needs and informs the development of a highly individualized holistic care plan. Medically-assisted detoxification may be necessary for some clients to achieve safe stabilization prior to attending treatment at Encore or another program.

When you call Encore, you will be speaking confidentially with an experienced professional able to answer questions and begin the process of finding appropriate care. We are here to help you and your loved ones. Contact Encore Outpatient Services Today and begin your journey to recovery.

Outpatient treatment

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