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Professional Collaboration

Encore collaborates with a wide range of professionals around the country in order to accept new patients, refer clients to appropriate care, and to appropriately coordinate ongoing care services.

With permission from the patient, the Encore team regularly interacts with other members of the patient’s healthcare team, legal counsel, employee assistance representatives, education consultants, and other specialists. Effective and accurate communication ensures that patients receive quality care. Connecting patients to effective medical treatment, higher levels of care, and supportive resources is crucial to improving mental and physical health and builds bridges to high-quality ongoing care.

Encore also maintains relationships with other addiction treatment and mental health programs so that patients can be referred to other providers if those providers would better meet patient’s needs. Working closely with high-quality providers throughout the treatment field also facilitates learning and the sharing of best practices and resources.

Professional Collaboration

Professional Collaboration

Professional Collaboration: Work with you Encore Outpatient Services operates intensive outpatient and partial hospitalization programs for substance use disorder and co-occurring disorders in Arlington, Virginia. Encore Outpatient Services employs experienced, licensed psychotherapists and counselors, as well as a psychiatrist, who collaborate to provide each client with highly personalized health services to aid in entering recovery and reducing the symptoms of mental health conditions. We have helped thousands with alcohol and drug addiction treatment. Our Northern Virginia alcohol and drug addiction treatment program emphasizes the importance of thoughtful and attentive case management to help clients navigate the healthcare system and receive the complete range of treatment and services necessary to support recovery and holistic health needed to sustain a healthy lifestyle after treatment.

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