Chris McGuinn

Program Administrator

Chris McGuinn
Chris is an alumnus of Caron Treatment Centers and an active member of the alumni community. Chris has served in operational and policy roles for the Departments of Labor and Homeland Security. Most recently he served as a Policy Advisor for the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs (OWCP) on opioid issues. He created the “Make Them Describe, Before They Prescribe” campaign, to encourage claimants to ask their doctors more questions when receiving new prescriptions.

He has also worked in the addiction treatment field, managing the Virginia and DC locations for a mid-Atlantic Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) provider. He currently advises addiction and poverty-alleviation non-profits on operational issues on a volunteer basis, including a faith-based 12-month program in southern Virginia.

Chris resides on Capitol Hill and Chincoteague Island, VA with his wife, daughter, and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.